
Emerging Technology







Emerging Technology

Our IT Consultants can lead you to next-generation technology solutions today.

1Is your company and early adopter that tried out new technology as soon as it's released? Or do you wait for months - sometimes years - before adapting new technology to your environment?

Regardless of which end of the spectrum you fall (most small businesses are somewhere in the middle), emerging technology engage people as they are constantly discussed in print publications, web seminars, conferences, television, and other sources of information..

Always on the cutting edge - without getting cut.

At Innovative Software Designs, we stay abreast of the latest trends in technology, and look for the most cost effective, productivity enhancing technologies we can find. We then research them, test them in our lab, and help our customers decide if they are right for them. Our IT consultants are constantly undergoing new training, attaining new certifications, and improving their knowledge and skills - we know technology doesn't stand still, so neither do we.

Some of the technologies that we are frequently asked about - and that our network and IT consultants can help you with - are listed here.


One of the hottest trends of the past few years is the move towards virtualization (the process of running 'virtual' servers or environments). This has helped companies shed excess servers, consolidate existing application and server platforms, minimize administration costs, cut power and space usage, and maximize their efficient use of their computing platforms. If your company has an abundance of servers, or even a few aging servers, don't replace them without first talking with us about the possibilities of virtualization. Over the lifetime of your server, the total cost of ownership can be lowered significantly. Contact us for more information.

Voice over IP (VOIP)

VoIP, or 'Voice over IP', is a relatively new technology that allows telephone calls to be made over your broadband Internet connection. This results in significant savings over traditional, large-carrier type calling systems that run through your company's pbx system. VoIP systems allow you to use your computer to make calls, or to use a special IP telephone or an adapter on your standard telephone.

This type of technology and service has its advantages (besides price), and for companies that have low bandwidth requirements can result in significant savings. Drawbacks do exist, however, and reliable internet service and backup power are both pre-requisites that need to be examined. Contact one of our VoIP IT Consultant engineers for more information.

Software as a Service

SaaS, or "Software as a Service", is more of a model or methodology where software applications are used or accessed via the web, instead of pre-installing them on every local computer. Some popular Saas products include Salesforce.Com, Autotask, TurboTax Online, and WebEx. These products are built specifically for one-to-many usage over the Internet.This model of software distribution is becoming more mainstream, and is begining to spread into many corporate IT environments. Contact us today to see whether SaaS is right for your company.

Next Generation OS's

Windows 7, Windows Vista, and OSX are the latest generation of operating systems from Microsoft and Apple. While Vista has had 'teething' troubles and it's acceptance is not as high as was initially expected, Windows 7 corrects many - if not most - of Vista's problems and looks set to become the de-facto standard on the desktop over the next three years. XP is almost decade old technology, and it is not able to take advantage of the massive performance gains that mult-processor hardware has taken over the past few years. These next-generation OS' help customers in several key areas, including search and organization of data, mobile computing, and much tighter security. Our network consultants are all certified, or in the process of certifying for, these operating systems, and our support plans and proactive maintenance packages all have detailed checklists that help optimize these systems. Contact us today for more information.


Contact Innovative Software Designs to learn more about Network Computer Consulting firms in NYC , NYC computer consulting, Manhattan computer consulting, New York IT consulting, Manhattan network consulting and New York City IT Services .


Innovative Software Designs can show you how beneficial a good outsourced consulting firm can be.